Sunday, November 30, 2008

Block Party!

As we've not gone anywhere or had any company this long holiday weekend, we have just kept working away at projects that need doing. I finished the "All Passion Spent" small tapestry, so spread out my blocking boards the other day and blocked it and some grandchildren sweater parts. Then, when they had all had a good chance to dry, I blocked MORE grandchildren sweater parts! I have three sweaters-worth of pieces blocked to put together, and hope to finish knitting the fourth this week. May as well keep the blocking stuff out, I guess! (My tapestry blocking process can be seen here.)

And speaking of Block Parties... Our neighborhood has been decking the outside 'halls' this weekend, so, grumbling as he went, my husband decided to put our lights up too. He is not fond of the job, as we have a pretty high 2-story old house, and he admits that it can be scary up there. I always say I wouldn't mind not having the house lit up, but he does it anyway. So up he went, and put them all on a timer to come on at 5:00. At about 5:15, I went out to take a look. No shiny lights. I did notice how tall our Blue Spruce has gotten though!

Told dear husband that there are no lights. He grumbled and mumbled some more, and went back out. A few minutes later, the lights came on... except for a string over the sleeping porch (above the car port). Time to listen to Serious Grumbling... but we decided that night time is not a good time to go up and replace a string of lights, so he'll have to replace them next weekend. Ah the trials of keeping up with the neighbors!

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Sketchbook Selfies

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