Friday, November 21, 2008

Opinion: Illustration Friday

The opinions of others picked at her like a crow pecking along the roadside; everything examined, picked apart, and most of her life discarded as useless or tasteless.

The Illustration topic today is Opinion. I sometimes pay too much attention to the opinions of others, especially those that are different from my own. I find it distressing that not everyone is as reasonable in their opinions as I am! I am sometimes guilty, I confess, of picking apart the opinions of others, as if they are of no value.

The little crow sketch is in oil on canvas.


Anonymous said...

I really love this little painting. I too pay too much attention to other peoples opinions. Especially my mothers! HA!

Connie said...

Hi! Saw your comment on Maria's site; crows are wonderful somehow.

Kathleen Rietz said...

The painting is so gorgeous!!! Really wonderful.

Anonymous said...

i agree with connie, crows seem to be wonderful in that they tend to carry their own opinions at times. lovely painting!

Tessa said...

Aaaah, this painting has such resonance - wonderful!

steve said...

Love it!

soulbrush said...

what a deep painting, nice!

Cathy said...

Lovely evocative painting - I really like your style!

Alicia Tormey said...

Wonderful Bird - I have a thing for crows and ravens and yours is lovely. You can see a few of my bird paintings on my blog if you are interestsed.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes peoples opinions are not of any value. So don't beat yourself up about that. Love the crow. Really well done.

Lynne the Pencil said...

These is a gorgeous illustration. I love crows at the best of times, but the lovely raw painterly style really adds something special. Great stuff!

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