Kinda sad, him sitting there by himself with that big turkey. That's kind of how I feel, as the two of us will be all on our lonesome tomorrow, too. But I DO have plenty to be thankful for:
My top-of-the-line husband... my two sons and their wonderful wives ... my parents and my father-in-law ... both of our siblings and all the rest of our families... A new president... only 55 days left of George Bush!... a warm home and precious pets... the luxury of being able to work at something I love... and more and more and more. Even in these 'hard times,' aren't we blessed?! And, of course I did NOT forget to leave the best until last; my precious four grandchildren!

(And isn't the movie clip a blast from the past! "Holiday Inn" used to be one of my favorite movies, and I still watch both it and "White Christmas" at least once between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is quite old-timey, and not terribly PC, as this clip shows, but it still has Bing crooning in it, which is something else to be thankful for.)
LOVE both these movies, and watch them every year, too. Do you also have "Christmas in Connecticut" with Barbara Stanwyck? It's another Must Watch! Have been enjoying seeing all your projects. Happy Thanksgiving.
Yes, I like that one, too! Though I don't care for the remake. And also both "The Bishop's Wife" and the remake, "The Preacher's Wife." And "The Christmas Story"! And my husband likes to watch "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" so we watch that together every year, too. All good grandchild Christmas sweater knitting shows!
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