Friday, October 9, 2009

Illustration Friday: Flying

The Illustration Friday topic today is Flying. I will be flying to Maine very early in the morning, but that's actually the part of the trip I'd just as soon not think about. I am not a happy flyer. So I am posting this little oil sketch I did yesterday afternoon, of a guy who rides past our house regularly. He may think he is flying, but he is "Mostly Coasting" (which is what I have titled it.) It's just 5x7", oil on masonite.

For those of you who have been keeping up with Booker's progress and deeds, he is growing so much, that he looks like a small dog now, instead of a puppy. He is even starting to have some 'big boy' plumes on his tail! Craig took him on a short hike in the high desert west of town yesterday, and took these photos.

He is, however, 'in the doghouse' with me, because I had to pay the library $40 to replace a book that he ate a page out of. It is the only book he's ever attacked like that! I wonder who had had it before me?

The fall colors are reported to be 'near peak' where we are going tomorrow! So, for the next week, I'll be shooting lots of gorgeous and, hopefully, inspirational photos. My husband informed me that I now have the capacity to take about 8,000 high resolution photos. Yikes! He shouldn't have told me that!....


Coreopsis said...

This is a beautiful beautiful little painting--so rich and evocative. It makes me think I should try things like this. I especially like the texture behind it.

(and I have a puppy-now-dog-almost too).

Ascender Rises Above said...

Enjoyed this very much. As well as the cow below... and the needlepoint parks

K Spoering said...

Thanks, but actually the parks are not needlepoint. They are handwoven one-of-a-kind tapestries. Designed by me, and woven on a loom.

Jennifer said...

Big boy plumes??? Yes I see them and the start of feathers on the haunches? Shadow has those and I've had people tell me they think those are signs that he's not pure bred! We know Booker is - so I'm now more anxious to see when his DNA results some back!!! BTW - Booker is looking gorgeous!

Oh - and remember you are safer in an airplane than in your car - keep reminding yourself of that while you fly! have a great trip - and I look forward to photographs

Theresa said...

Maybe Booker was making a literary statement? Was it a good book? He's a very handsome boy!
I sympathize with your dislike of flying. I hate it also.
We refer to it as the annual white knuckle ride.
Beautiful painting.
Wishing you smooth sailing the friendly skies. Just think of all those moose that are waiting to pose for you.

Artsnark said...

very cool - love the background color & texture

Unknown said...

My brother-in-law, who flies his own small plane that he built, says that the bumps you experience in flight are no more than the bumps you experience with potholes in the roads ... I have been a much better flier since then.

Booker is growing up beautifully!

Love your paintings, and your tapestries are lovely ... particularly enjoying the one you have been working on lately, with all the tree branches and shadows.

Anonymous said...

Your tapestry work is beautiful and inspiring. I need to pull out my loom, I loved taking a workshop from Tommye. Another fabulous and fun medium! Thanks for visiting my blog and I am so impressed you exhibit in the Grove Park Gallery. I love that gallery, it would be my dream to have something there!
Lauren Finley

tommye said...

I know you're safely in a state of Maine by now. Have loads of fun and max out your camera's capacity while you capture all the beauty!
Booker is so beautiful--fun to see these latest shots side-by-side with your margin photo of him and kitty!

A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...